4 April 2023 - Dubai to Israel
After a 5am wake up, we were ferried to reception on one of the hotel golf buggies. The rooms are so widely spread and the pedestrian pathways winding through the souk, so narrow , that golf buggies are the only feasible mode of transportation in Al Seef.
Our car arrived promptly at 6am and with 20 minutes we were back at DXB, Dubai International Airport. Check-in was quick and effortless. We then breezed through passport control and were then left with 3 hours to fill in before our scheduled departure.

Flying over Saudi Arabia
Mercifully, the flight departed on time and only half full and after a short 3.5 hour flight over amazing Arabian coastal landscapes, by the time the meal was served and cleared away, we were landing in Israel.

Flying over the Israeli coast
Our arrival into Israel was heralded by a 21 gun salute. Okay, it was really only 17. Okay, okay, they weren't actually guns but rockets. My sleep was interrupted by what I thought was some inconsiderate neighbour repeatedly spamming doors. It wasn't until the next morning when the news headlines broadcast the missile attack from Gaza on southern Israel that I realised the loud banging was in fact Israel's Iron Dome defence system intercepting the missiles from Gaza.
Missiles Flying over Israel
5 April 2023 - Passover in Israel
Family and friends were the real reason to include Israel in our itinerary this trip. On the evening of 5 April, we celebrated Passover with our extended family. We spent 4 days with our family on Kibbutz Negba, getting reaquainted with our 3 great-nieces, who are now 8, 12 & 14. We attended the Omer festival in the fields of the Kibbutz where the children performed. There is nothing to compare.

Seder Pesach on Kibbutz Negba
Unfortunately, Passover celebrations were marred throughout Israel by the news that a mother, Lucy Dee (48) and two of her daughters Rina (16) & Maya (20), were murdered whilst driving to a family outing, and a 35 year old Italian lawyer was killed when his group, out for a stroll along the foreshore promenade in Tel Aviv, was mowed down by a terrorist. Baruch Dayan ha'Emet.

The victims
10 April 2023 - the School Reunion
We spent 6 days dividing our time between family and friends spread throughout the central and northern regions of Israel. Most of our friends we only see every 4-8 years, yet when we meet we pick up the conversation from where we broke off as if only days have passed.
A school reunion was organised, by hubby's old class mates, in honour of his visit. The venue slowly filled as the senior citizens shuffled in, bearing dishes laden with all manner of food and sweet treats. As the evening progress, in the fading light, more than half a century melted away. Wrinkles dissolved, grey hair and balding pates were replaced with flowing locks, and we were all teenagers again by the night's end.

12 April 2023 - Akko (Acre)
As unseasonal rains drenched Israel, we set out with hubby's middle brother and his partner to explore ancient Akko. The rain ceased long enough for us to enjoy the day meandering through the Hall of the Knights Templar, the covered souk and the old Ottoman Hamam.
inside the Hall of the Knights Templar
For lunch in Akko, we found an authentic Arab restaurant where we dined on a selection of dips, falafel and pita. And just when we thought we couldn't eat another morsel, from a back laneway, we stumbled upon a kitchen that seduced us into a bakery lined with row upon row of tempting sweets.

Here we overindulged on all manner of baklava and knafeh before waddling out the front door.
Temptation Overload
More images of Akko are available here
15 April 2023 - Spring is Sprung
As the last rains for the season evaporated, and with not a drop more expected until autumn arrives in six months time, Israel is blooming good. Our nephew, his wife and their eight year old daughter chauffered us to a recently discovered field aflame with wildflowers.
A field of wild poppies
Near Kibbutz Negba, past the Julis army base, we left the main road and encountered a traffic jam of a different kind.
A ragged flock of floppy eared sheep
A Beduin family were letting their flock of floppy-eared sheep graze in the long paddock and in their rush to reach the greenest shoots, the free-range herbivores encircled our vehicle, stopping us in our tracks.
Retreating sheep
Once we had successfully extradited our vehicle from the ragged flock, we parked near a field of ripening wheat and hiked the last kilometre.
A field of wheat
We were rewarded with a feast for the soul, acres of wild poppies. It was an emotional sight, being so close to ANZAC Day.
as if in Flanders Fields
15 April 2023 - the Mysterious Case of the Shrinking Clothes
I'm not sure what it is about my suitcase, but each time I unpack it, my clothes appear to fit more snuggly. I now have to squeeze into my jeans, that once hung loosely. I don't know if it's got anything to do with the fact that each day, during our stay in Israel, when we've arrived to visit family or friends, we've been greeted with tables laden with food. No matter the time of day, they assume we haven't eaten since departing Australia. Of course, to be polite, we indulge, and second helpings, of such delicious food, is hard to resist.
As we pack our suitcases on our last day in Israel, I'm starting to think it might be easier to just buy a new wardrobe at each destination. Sorry to interrupt our conversation, someone is asking me something, "Another slice of the delicious strudel? Sure why not!"
I'm writing this in Ben Gurion Airport as we ready ourselves for our departure from Israel, spending our last Shekel....on food, of course. It's been wonderful to reconnect with so many of our old friends and our ever expanding family. But the world awaits; next stop, Norway!
More images of Israel are available here